Karyıldız Clamps and Automotive Spare Parts, under the name of our company is engaged in the manufacturing industry also has been producing since 1995.


Unconditional, without compromising quality experience with every passing day we continue our efforts in the future by passing a rapid growth.


Every day we move forward in our technology and progressing fast steps towards to becoming a world brand.


Our company operates in handcuffs and in the manufacture of automotive spare parts have a wide range of products; Our motto is high quality, productivity, leakproofing and customer satisfaction.


Of being useful to our country and our people, our mission of peace will be made​​, re-igniting the energy potential will lead us in line with our objectives. We believe that the humankind and trust much more important than the capital


Hope to meet and serve you, best regards.


Without compromising on quality, providing service beyond customer expectations, with production systems sensitive to the environment and human health as a business to contribute to our economy.


Customer satisfaction target area, a reliable and reputable company with its own brand to the world.